Article on the recently adopted exemption from land registry fees.
Article on the recently adopted exemption from land registry fees.
In the newly published AIFMG commentary, Fabian Liebel discusses several key provisions of supervisory law.
The specialist article by DSC partner Peter Csoklich is available in the GesZR.
The comprehensive practical work is now available from Lexis Nexis Verlag.
The DSC lawyer focuses on a recent decision of the Austrian Supreme Court.
The DSC Partner focuses on a recent decision by the Austrian Administrative Court.
The 6th edition of the renowned reference work was recently published.
Markus Kellner on "Credit processing fee 2 - The saga of Caixabank"
Commentary on OGH 21.12.2022, 6 Ob 124/22m.
The DSC partner analyzes the provisions on delinquency proceedings and oral hearings.
Article concerning the costs associated with the construction of a heat supply system.
The article has been published in the renowned ÖJZ.
A contribution to "Der Sideletter" following the 10th Wiener Unternehmensrechtstag
Case law review on capital contributions in case of trusteeship as well as and "letterbox companies"
The DSC Partner sheds light on the key elements of the reform.
Our expert discusses current issues of banking secrecy.
Article concerning the costs associated with the construction of a heat supply system.
Paper by Markus Kellner and Fabian Liebel in the ÖJZ.
The article was published in Zeitschrift für Europarecht, Internationales Privatrecht & Rechtsvergleichung.
The DSC associate comments on a recent decision of the Austrian Supreme Court.
DSC partner comments on recent Supreme Court decision.
The article was published in the Graf von Westphalen handbook.
The DSC partner analyzes loan and gift law as well as the provisions on safekeeping agreements.
Publication in the current issue of RdW (Journal for Austrian Business Law)
This article first appeared in ZFR, one of Austria’s leading journals for financial market law.
The DSC partner is one of the high profile contributors to the Festschrift Hans Zöchling
This article first appeared in ZFR, one of Austria’s leading journals for financial market law.