She specializes primarily in corporate law and transactions.
The Virtual Shareholders' Meetings Act (VirtGesG) was passed by the Austrian National Assembly on July 7, 2023. It provides a reliable legal framework that allows an alternative to face-to-face general meetings.
On this occasion, the Business Circle organizes the seminar AG-General Meeting - Virtual Shareholders' Meetings Act. Participants will have the opportunity to gain an overview of the new law. Among the renowned speakers is DSC partner Christoph Diregger, who will shed light on the shareholders' right to speak and ask questions, as well as the right to submit motions for resolutions at the virtual shareholders' meeting.
The event will take place on November 7, 2023 in Vienna.
She specializes primarily in corporate law and transactions.
The conference focuses on deregulation and the rule of law.
Congratulations on being admitted to the Austrian Bar!