She specializes primarily in corporate law and transactions.
For her outstanding dissertation "Die gesetzlichen Verzugszinsen gemäß § 1333 Abs 1 ABGB - Zur Ausgestaltung, Wirkung und Rechtsnatur der gesetzlichen Zinspauschalierung bei Schuldnerverzug mit einer Geldforderung", the associate was awarded the promotional prize of the Banking Association last week.
This is the fifth award for her exceptional dissertation.
The Bankenverband has been awarding the Banking Association Award (Bankenverbandspreis) to young academics who write papers in the field of business, banking and financial law as part of their studies or post-doctoral work since 1978.
She specializes primarily in corporate law and transactions.
The conference focuses on deregulation and the rule of law.
Congratulations on being admitted to the Austrian Bar!