Christiane Hautsch

Human Relations
German, English, Danish

about Christiane Hautsch

Building bridges and connecting people – with this motto Christiane Hautsch puts her heart and soul into looking after the employees at DSC.

Christiane Hautsch found her passion for human resources while studying business education at the University of Constance. Christiane was able to gain important experience and insights into the field of employer branding at an early stage. She was involved in organizing Europe's largest career fair and various recruiting events for management consultancies and banks in Cologne, Zurich and Berlin. Numerous stays abroad, both within and outside Europe, had a strong influence on her personality. Through various activities in career and personnel consulting, she further sharpened her profile in order to position herself as an HR allrounder in the consulting industry.


since 2024
Human Resources Management at DSC Doralt Seist Csoklich

Human Resources Management at IWTH Steuerberatung, Vienna

Human Resources Management at ARTUS Steuerberatung, Vienna

Career and HR consultant at WIWEX, Berlin

Senior-Account Manager at Staufenbiel, Constance

Dipl.-Hdl. (University of  Constance, Study of business education)